
Re-Use ~ Re-Cycle ~ Re-CREATE !

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I have been an artist, in one form or another, for most of my life.  I have also regularly frequented second-hand stores, yard sales, thrift shops, and the like, since my children were small.  What began as a necessity, back then, evolved into a personal adventure and treasure hunt.  I continue to excitedly look forward to the thrill of my excursions.

It now seems only natural that I would eventually become impassioned about pique assiette.  I didn't discover this art form...  it discovered me! 

mosaic art materialsEach piece that I create is one-of-a-kind, and comes from my own imagination, and creative flow.  I will purchase used dishware, ceramics, pottery, jewelry, baubles, beads, bling, stones, shells, glass gems, trinkets, forms and foundations, and anything else that catches my eye or 'speaks' to me at the time, at all levels of quality, and bring it home to add to my studio collection.  I don't pay attention to the monetary value of the elements going onto the piece--they can be a combination of anything from plastic, glass, and coated alloys to semi-precious or precious metals and stones, for all I know;  low grade pottery to fine china and porcelain; mass produced or hand-made...  I simply select materials that personally and artistically appeal to me.

Surrounded by my finds, and rummaging through them, I have yet to be at a loss when it comes to creating a new piece.  The point comes when I know which theme or color scheme I want to use, and an idea begins to formulate.  Then, I do the work... going through the process of the piece showing me what it wants to become.  I feel content and fulfilled when creating and working, and I hope that this communicates to all who see my finished products.

junk art suppliesI also acquire cabinet doors, scrap wood, sometimes grout and paint, tiles, and assorted hardware at the local Habitat for Humanity discount store.  Used or left-over materials are donated from contractors, home renovators, and construction companies to be re-sold  (at deep discount)  and so re-used.  I check the scrap wood bin at Home Depot regularly, too.

In addition to strictly home decor, I sometimes like to create pieces that serve one or more functions.  Such as...  somewhere cheery to check yourself in the mirror, places to store or hide things, fun food service, a knob or handle for your hat, jacket, a bouquet, or some jewelry, etc.

mosaic art suppliesExcept for my replenishable supplies- such as adhesive, grout, sealer, paint, varnish, mounting hardware, and some mirrors- all elements are purchased second-hand.  This may be more of a challenge when it comes to composition--as opposed to picking and choosing brand new or prepared materials from art/craft stores or online markets--but, it is a gratifying sense of accomplishment for me to be able to give these things new life, in a way that I hope will bring a smile to your face, or strike a positive chord or memory in you.

mosaic beads buttons and suchMy replenishable materials are water-based and non-toxic, and all pieces are easy clean-up with a duster or damp cloth.  All pieces are entirely sealed and varnished.  All surfaces for possible food use are fully sealed, and safe. Of course, even with sealed mosaics, avoid prolonged immersion in water, and do not run through a dishwasher.

I have used secure and sturdy hardware for hanging.  I suggest that you ensure that you have the appropriate hangers, anchors, screws, or other hardware for your type of walls and the weight of the piece, if choosing to hang your artwork.  Falling to the ground would most likely damage, or destroy, even this made-to-last form of art.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.


Commissions:  If you have your own ideas, or materials, that you would like to use for a creative collaboration, please do contact me to discuss this possibility.

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Have a wonderful and surprising day!